Thanks to RoderickBant74 for pointing the typo and sharing the correct cmdlet.
Just adding additional information on this for clarity:
To control the runtime version (for apps which doesn't support built-in images) you can deploy it with a custom container.
You may use this "az webapp list-runtimes --linux | grep PHP" - To show the supported PHP version.
Just to highlight, the "--linux-fx-version
"- shows the runtime stack used for your linux-based webapp, e.g., "RUBY|2.5.5", "NODE|10.14", "PHP|7.2", "DOTNETCORE|2.1".
As a side note, App Service upgrades the underlying PHP runtime of your application as part of the regular platform updates. As a result of this regular update process, your application will be automatically updated to the latest patch version of PHP available in the platform.
As examples:
When you use this template the docker image which has WordPress already configured is run for the created App Service. By default, the image is - appsvcorg/wordpress-alpine-php:0.72 (source).
Now, since this creates a Web App for Container (not using specifically a blessed image), we do not show the stacks in the Configuration blade. Note that you can set the linuxFxVersion to PHP|7.3 but that would pull a docker image which would not have WordPress configured as default.
The image mentioned above (appsvcorg/wordpress-alpine-php:0.72) for WordPress uses PHP v7.2. If you wish to run on PHP v7.3, then you could try using the following imagee which can be set in the Container settings blade:
So, if you wish to see the stack specific configuration dropdown in the Configuration blade with PHP application (for the WordPress as well) on App Service, then you can create a Web App service without using the ‘WordPress on Linux’ template ( just as an example). That way he would be able to see the available stacks in the Configuration.
Hope this helps!
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