Dynamic Group with memberof syntax failing

Chris Roberson 20 Reputation points

I'm trying to create a new dynamic Microsoft 365 group using the memberof syntax, referencing a sync'd on-prem security group. When I attempt to validate test users against the rule, the result is "Not in group", wheter the test users are actually members of the referenced security group or not. If I view the details of the result, under status, all lines have a red X except for the line "directoryLinkChange.aad.isdeleted -ne true". Any insight would be much appreciated!

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Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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  1. Dillon Silzer 54,931 Reputation points

    Hi Chris,

    As far as I know you cannot use any other operators with the memberOf attribute:

    Preview limitations


    Preview limitations

    • The memberOf attribute can't be used with other rules. For example, a rule that states dynamic group A should contain members of group B and also should contain only users located in Redmond will fail.
    • The dynamic group rule builder and validate feature can't be used for memberOf at this time.
    • The memberOf attribute can't be used with other operators. For example, you can't create a rule that states "Members Of group A can't be in Dynamic group B."

    If this is helpful please accept answer.