Can Someone help check the scripts running in the in O365

Christest1 0 Reputation points

Can Someone help check the scripts?

We are using the Office 365 in Chian and in the Compliance center there we can run the tasks to use content Search function to export user emails see the links 

and we have search scripts and then the Search jobs will be beginning automatically. BUT now the search shows NOT started and we need to click into by hand to rerun.

the scripts as below please someone can helps thanks for the times and helps.

Create log function

Function LogWrite


Param ([string]$logstring)

Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring



$workingDir = Convert-Path .

$LogDate = get-date -f yyyyMMdd

$Logfile = "$workingDir\Logfile3_$LogDate.log"

$inputSource = Import-CSV "$workingDir\in-place_ediscovery_search_list.csv"

ForEach ($info in $inputSource )


$infoData = $info.Name

$infoData2 = $info.Sourcemailboxes

$infoData3 = $info.startdate

$infoData4 = $info.enddate


#To enable LitigationHold

Set-Mailbox -Identity $infodata2 -LitigationHoldEnabled $true

#To perform mailbox search in existing eDiscovery case --- please update the case name based on the real operations

New-ComplianceSearch -case "CN leaver hold" -Name "$infoData" -ExchangeLocation $infoData2 -ContentMatchQuery "date:$infoData3..$infodata4"

sleep 5

Get-ComplianceSearch -case "CN leaver hold" | where{$_.status -eq "NotStarted"} | Start-ComplianceSearch

if($error.Count -gt 0)


$error | %{

$LogDate2 = get-date -f "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"

$errorLogMSG = $_

LogWrite "($LogDate2) Error : $errorLogMSG "




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