AD Connect Server behind NAT

Hasan Reza 161 Reputation points

dear All,

We have parent entity "msg.local" which currently has the AD Connect Server deployed.

We have Child entity "Det.local" which is having the user/computer object,

We would like to sync the det.local objects via AD Connect Server in Parent Entity,

Current Setup

Parent Entity "msg.local" and Child Entity "Det.local" are connected via S2S tunnel , there is no AD level Trust between the two entity,


Due to Security reason the AD Connect Server cannot be directly exposed, as per Security team it is suggested that AD Connect server in parent office would be having NATed IP.

The Child entity AD would Connect to AD Connect Server Nated Ip

Proposed Resolution

We are aware that as per MS the AD Connect does not work with NAT , however in our case the child AD Forest is not behind NAT , it is only the AD Connect , so when AD Connect server is connecting or querying the Child Entity DNS server objects , it would get the actual IP address and AD connect can connect to it without any issue , only the Child Entity AD would find the AD Connect ip Address as Nated,



NAT and ADConnect

Active Directory over NAT

We are looking for expert opinion on any challenges with this setup, the above is currently being tested in our lab without any challenges,

Regards - Hasan Reza

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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