Hello @srv-asr !
Based on the Docs :
Specifies the ASR fabric object for the primary ASR fabric of the replication protected items that will be part of this recovery plan.
Expand table
Type:ASRFabricType:ASRFabricPosition:NamedDefault value:NoneRequired:TrueAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:FalseAlso :https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.commands.recoveryservices.siterecovery.asrfabric?view=az-ps-latest
Can you check the Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrFabric | Select-Object Name, FabricType
Is it producing the Site of VMWare ?
I hope this helps!
Kindly mark the answer as Accepted and Upvote in case it helped!