How to add 'N/A' to where condition ?

ahmed salah 3,216 Reputation points

I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I need to add 'N/A' to condition as below :

SELECT PartID, Code, Count(1) as ConCount
  FROM #PartAttributes PM 
  INNER JOIN #Condition Co ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey Where 1=1 and ( (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And Name >1000) Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And Name >280) Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And Name ='N/A') ) Group By PartID,Code  Having Count(1)> = 4

script below when executed it give me error

an expression of non boolean type specified on context on where condition is expected near ' )'

create table #Allfeatures
   ZFeatureKey nvarchar(20),
   IsNumericValue int
  insert into #Allfeatures(ZPLID,ZFeatureKey,IsNumericValue)

  create table #Condition
   Code nvarchar(20),
   ZFeatureKey nvarchar(20),
   ZfeatureType nvarchar(20),
   EStrat  nvarchar(20),
   EEnd NVARCHAR(10)
  insert into #Condition (Code,ZFeatureKey,ZfeatureType,EStrat,EEnd)
  ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,'>1000',' '),
  ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,'>280AV',' '),
  ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,'N/A',' '),
  ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,NULL,' ')

  CREATE TABLE #PartAttributes
   PartID INT,
   ZFeaturekEY NVARCHAR(20),
   AcceptedValuesOption_Value  INT,
   Name nvarchar(20)
  insert into #PartAttributes(PartID,ZFeaturekEY,AcceptedValuesOption_Value,Name)

  DECLARE @Sql nvarchar(max)
  DECLARE @ConStr nvarchar(max)

 SET @ConStr=  STUFF((SELECT CONCAT(' Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= ', CC.ZfeatureKey , IIF(CC.ZfeatureType='Qualifications',' And AcceptedValuesOption_Value ' , ' And translate(Name, ''VDCA'', space(4)) ' ) , CAST(

                           cast(LEFT(SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500),
             PATINDEX('%[^<>0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500) + 'X') -1) as nvarchar(2500))

                  AS NVARCHAR(2500))


                  FROM #Condition CC INNER JOIN #Allfeatures AL ON AL.ZfeatureKey = CC.ZfeatureKey AND AL.IsNumericValue =0

                  FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)'),1,3,'')

  SET @Sql= CONCAT(' SELECT PartID, Code, Count(1) as ConCount
  FROM #PartAttributes PM 
  INNER JOIN #Condition Co ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey ',
  'Where 1=1 and (', @ConStr, ' ) Group By PartID,Code ' ,
  ' Having Count(1)> = ',(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #Condition))
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5 answers

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  1. David Browne - msft 3,846 Reputation points

    Always print out your dynamic SQL to troubleshoot. That code generates the query:

       SELECT PartID, Code, Count(1) as ConCount
       FROM #PartAttributes PM 
       INNER JOIN #Condition Co 
         ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey 
         Where 1=1 
         and ( 
              (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And translate(Name, 'VDCA', space(4)) >1000) 
           Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And translate(Name, 'VDCA', space(4)) >280) 
           Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And translate(Name, 'VDCA', space(4)) ) 
           Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And translate(Name, 'VDCA', space(4)) ) ) 
         Group By PartID,Code  Having Count(1)> = 4

    which is missing a boolean comparison for the translate at

      Or (PM.ZfeatureKey= 1505730036 And translate(Name, 'VDCA', space(4)) ) 
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  2. ahmed salah 3,216 Reputation points

    so How to solve issue please

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  3. ahmed salah 3,216 Reputation points

    missing is 'N/A'
    how to handle it

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  4. Guoxiong 8,206 Reputation points
    SET @ConStr = STUFF((
     SELECT CONCAT(' OR (PM.ZfeatureKey = ', CC.ZfeatureKey, IIF(CC.ZfeatureType = 'Qualifications', ' And AcceptedValuesOption_Value ', ' And translate(Name, ''VDCA'', space(4)) '), 
     WHEN EStrat = 'N/A' THEN '= ''N/A''' 
     ELSE CAST(LEFT(SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500), PATINDEX('%[^<>0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500) + 'X') -1) AS nvarchar(2500)) 
     END, ')')
        FROM #Condition CC INNER JOIN #Allfeatures AL ON AL.ZfeatureKey = CC.ZfeatureKey AND AL.IsNumericValue = 0
     FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)'), 1, 3, '')
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  5. MelissaMa-MSFT 24,196 Reputation points

    Hi @ahmed salah ,

    As mentioned by other experts, TRANSLATE is applied to SQL Server 2017 and later while your SQL is SQL Server 2012. You could use REPLACE instead.

    Please refer below and check whether it is helpful:

       DECLARE @Sql nvarchar(max)  
       DECLARE @ConStr nvarchar(max)  
      SET @ConStr = STUFF((  
      SELECT CONCAT(' OR (PM.ZfeatureKey = ', CC.ZfeatureKey, IIF(CC.ZfeatureType = 'Qualifications', ' And AcceptedValuesOption_Value ', ' And replace(Name, ''VDC'', space(4)) '),   
      WHEN EStrat = 'N/A' THEN '= ''N/A'''   
      ELSE CAST(LEFT(SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500), PATINDEX('%[^<>0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500) + 'X') -1) AS nvarchar(2500))   
      END, ')')  
         FROM #Condition CC INNER JOIN #Allfeatures AL ON AL.ZfeatureKey = CC.ZfeatureKey AND AL.IsNumericValue = 0  
      FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)'), 1, 3, '')  
       SET @Sql= CONCAT(' SELECT PartID, Code, Count(1) as ConCount  
       FROM #PartAttributes PM   
       INNER JOIN #Condition Co ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey ',  
       'Where 1=1 and (', @ConStr, ' ) Group By PartID,Code ' ,  
       ' Having Count(1)> = ',(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #Condition))  
       EXEC (@SQL)  

    The output of @alenzi is as below:

    SELECT PartID, Code, Count(1) as ConCount  
       FROM #PartAttributes PM   
       INNER JOIN #Condition Co ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey Where 1=1 and ( (PM.ZfeatureKey = 1505730036 And replace(Name, 'VDC', space(4)) >1000) OR (PM.ZfeatureKey = 1505730036 And replace(Name, 'VDC', space(4)) >280) OR (PM.ZfeatureKey = 1505730036 And replace(Name, 'VDC', space(4)) = 'N/A') ) Group By PartID,Code  Having Count(1)> = 4  

    Best regards

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