Hello, we have a SQL Server 2012 Instance (includes SSIS services installed/enabled) on one server and needs to be migrated to an existing SQL Server 2016 Instance (does not have SSIS services installed/enabled) on a separate different server.
This SQL 2012 Instance has SSIS installed (which includes the automatically created [SSISDB] DB and noticed within the "Integration Services Catalogs" section there are a bunch of .dtsx Packages listed and also some SQL Server 2012 Agent jobs that uses SSIS which looks like does some type of data load from another external SQL Server.
How would one go to migrating this whole SSIS portion from this old SQL 2012 Instance to the newer SQL 2016 Instance?
(Just brainstorming like take backup of [SSISDB] on SQL 2012 and restore onto newer SQL 2016 and some how script out their related old SQL 2012 Agent jobs and run/copy them onto newer SQL 2016, and some how export all of those .dtsx Packages to newer SQL 2016 Instance?... or install/enable SSIS services and let newer SQL 2016 SSIS re-create it's own [SSISDB], or something else like need to re-create those SSIS related .dtsx Packages & Agent Jobs from scratch?)
We would like to avoid enabling SSIS services on the newer SQL 2016... is there a way I can dig deeper within the SQL 2012 Agent jobs to see what the SSIS portion is actually doing?
Thanks in advance.