So recently I've been trying to use my phone with Spacedesk for touchscreen in Windows. Overall it's working pretty well, but there is one problem. When I'm trying to touch with one finger then touch again with a second finger, the moment that I touch it with the second finger it triggers right click event that's indicated by square click by touchscreen visualization. Maybe this is intended behaviour from windows, but the weird thing is that this only happen in specific program, in my case I tested it in Genshin Impact, and LDPlayer9.I tested it in another application, OperaGX. The problem doesn't appear, but it can open context menu (but not showing square click, so it should not be a right click) by tapping with two finger, which in windows application like Explorer, Word, etc it doesn't happen.At this point, this inconsistent behavior makes me think that the touchscreen behavior is directly influenced by the application itself.But still, is there any solution to change this touchscreen behavior?, I've tried to find it in Control Panel and Registry but only able to found Double-tap and Press and hold setting for touchscreen, which I've tried to disable it but it doesn't affect anything related to the problem I've described.