Hi Patric,
This certificate is MMA certificate, which is automatically created during the MMA installation process, and it plays a crucial role in ensuring secure communication within your monitoring environment.
If you want to view the MMA certificate, you could use the Get-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet to view all Exchange certificates that are installed on Exchange servers.
There are two ways to renew an exchange self-signed certificate, including EAC and powershell.
Given you’ve already clicked the renew button, which means you’ve probably already tried EAC, I suggest you to try the command to solve the problem:
Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <Thumbprint> | New-ExchangeCertificate [-Force] [-PrivateKeyExportable <$true | $false>]
example :This example renews a self-signed certificate on the local Exchange server, and uses the following settings:
The thumbprint value of the existing self-signed certificate to renew is BC37CBE2E59566BFF7D01FEAC9B6517841475F2D
The Force switch replaces the original self-signed certificate without a confirmation prompt.
The private key is exportable. This allows you to export the certificate and import it on other servers.
Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint BC37CBE2E59566BFF7D01FEAC9B6517841475F2D | New-ExchangeCertificate -Force -PrivateKeyExportable $true
To find the thumbprint value of the certificate that you want to renew, run the following command:
Get-ExchangeCertificate | where {$_.IsSelfSigned -eq $true} | Format-List FriendlyName,Subject,CertificateDomains,Thumbprint,NotBefore,NotAfter
I hope this answer was helpful.