@Vasiliy Grinko thank you for posting this question on Microsoft Q&A. The query contains the line - | distinct client_City, url
which is not required. Instead, you could do something like below (I created a table variable to mimic the source table that you have shared). Note the where requests >1
line added in the query below after summarize
let testRequests = datatable(url:string, client_City:string, resultCode:int)
"https://testurl1.com", "Greeley", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Houston", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Houston", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Dallas", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Dallas", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Houston", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Houston", 200,
"https://testurl2.com", "Dallas", 200,
"https://testurl3.com", "Peoria", 200,
testRequests // -----------The table variable, defined above
| where url contains "testurl" // ------- sample URL pattern as available in the table above
//| distinct client_City, url // ------- not required. The distinct combination will not help filter based on count of city
| summarize requests = count() by client_City
| where requests > 1 //---------------- include only cities where request > 1
| join kind=inner testRequests on client_City
| where url contains "testurl"
| project url, client_City, resultCode
| sort by url desc
This gives the result as below, (Peoria and Greeley removed from the output)
Hope this helps.
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