Whenever I attempt to request start to sync, all of the data backs off. I will include the dump status here if that helps at all. Under the profile in Microsoft Edge, sync's status is "setting up sync" indefinitely.
Mon Apr 01 2024 15:13:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
"actionable_error": [],
"actionable_error_detected": false,
"details": [
"data": [
"stat_name": "Transport State",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Configuring data types"
"stat_name": "User Actionable Error",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "None"
"stat_name": "Disable Reasons",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "None"
"stat_name": "Sync Feature Enabled",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": true
"stat_name": "Setup In Progress",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Auth Error",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "OK since browser startup"
"stat_name": "Sync Account Type",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "AAD"
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Summary"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Client Version",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Microsoft Edge Windows 123.0.2420.65 (49b6a5859239c32604bcefee0b98e103c0a9bdae)"
"stat_name": "Server URL",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "https://edge.microsoft.com/sync/v1/feeds/me/syncEntities/"
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Version Info"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Server URL",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "https://edge.microsoft.com/sync/v1/feeds/me/syncEntities/"
"stat_name": "Server Environment",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Prod_NorthCentralUS_000g"
"stat_name": "Migration Stage",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "NotStarted"
"stat_name": "Fetch Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "SUCCESS"
"stat_name": "Fetch Message",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": ""
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Environment Info"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Requested Token",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "2024-04-01 13:57:03 -04"
"stat_name": "Received Token Response",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "2024-04-01 13:57:03 -04"
"stat_name": "Last Token Request Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "OK"
"stat_name": "Has Token",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": true
"stat_name": "Next Token Request",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "not scheduled"
"stat_name": "Last Token Error",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "None"
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Credentials"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Requested Token",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "2024-04-01 13:57:03 -04"
"stat_name": "Received Token Response",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "2024-04-01 13:57:04 -04"
"stat_name": "Last Token Request Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "OK"
"stat_name": "Has Token",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": true
"stat_name": "Next Token Request",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "not scheduled"
"stat_name": "Last Token Error",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "None"
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Credentials for Key"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Download Key Result",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "Net Error Code",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "HTTP Response Code",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "Process Key Result",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "Set Key Result",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "Fetched Key Count",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": 0
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "MSA Account Key Status"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Pack/Unpack Key Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Unpack fail"
"stat_name": "Last MIP Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "No permissions"
"stat_name": "Last Key Status",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": ""
"stat_name": "New Key State",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "None"
"stat_name": "Key Commit Response",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "n/a"
"stat_name": "Set Key Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Fail"
"stat_name": "Packed/Unpacked Key Count",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 0
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "AAD Account Key Status"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Server Connection",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "OK since 2024-04-01 15:13:04 -04"
"stat_name": "Last Synced",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Just now"
"stat_name": "Sync First-Time Setup Complete",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": true
"stat_name": "Sync Cycle Ongoing",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Local Sync Backend Enabled",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Local Backend Path",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "Seen FRE Sync Consent",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Confirmed FRE Sync Consent",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Local State"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Throttled or Backoff",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Retry Time",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Scheduler is not in backoff or throttled"
"stat_name": "Notifications Enabled",
"stat_status": "in_bad_state",
"stat_value": false
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Network"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Explicit Passphrase",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Passphrase Required",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Cryptographer Ready To Encrypt",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Cryptographer Has Pending Keys",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": true
"stat_name": "Encrypted Types",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Bookmarks, Preferences, Passwords, Autofill Profiles, Autofill, Autofill Wallet Metadata, Autofill Custom Data, Edge Autofill Form Field Data, Edge Autofill Form Field Ss Data, Themes, Typed URLs, Extensions, Search Engines, Apps, App settings, Extension settings, Dictionary, App List, Arc Package, Printers, Reading List, Send Tab To Self, Wifi Configurations, Web Apps, OS Preferences, Workspace Desk, Collection, Collections Metadata, Edge E Drop, Edge Hub App, Edge Wallet"
"stat_name": "Has Keystore Key",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": false
"stat_name": "Keystore Migration Time",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "2022-10-18 14:58:25 -04"
"stat_name": "Passphrase Type",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "PassphraseType::kKeystorePassphrase"
"stat_name": "Explicit passphrase Time",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "n/a"
"stat_name": "Trusted Vault Migration Time",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": "Uninitialized"
"stat_name": "Trusted Vault Version/Epoch",
"stat_status": "uninitialized",
"stat_value": 0
"stat_name": "Next Key Request Time",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "n/a"
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Encryption"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Sync Source",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_name": "GetKey Step Failed",
"stat_status": "in_bad_state",
"stat_value": true
"stat_name": "Download Step Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Success"
"stat_name": "Commit Step Result",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": "Success"
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Status from Last Completed Session"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Notifications Received",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 0
"stat_name": "Updates Downloaded",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 759
"stat_name": "Tombstone Updates",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 4
"stat_name": "Successful Commits",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 0
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Running Totals"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Server Conflicts",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 0
"stat_name": "Committed Items",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 0
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Transient Counters (this cycle)"
"data": [
"stat_name": "Updates Downloaded",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 759
"stat_name": "Committed Count",
"stat_status": "",
"stat_value": 0
"is_sensitive": false,
"title": "Transient Counters (last cycle of last completed session)"
"syncShowClearServerDataButton": false,
"type_status": [
"message": "Message",
"name": "Model Type",
"num_entries": "Total Entries",
"num_live": "Live Entries",
"state": "State",
"status": "header"
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Bookmarks",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Preferences",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Passwords",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Autofill Profiles",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Typed URLs",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Extensions",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Sessions",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Extension settings",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "History Delete Directives",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Device Info",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 2,
"num_live": 2
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "User Consents",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Send Tab To Self",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Web Apps",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Collection",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Edge E Drop",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Edge Hub App Usage",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Edge Tab Group",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Edge Wallet",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"message": "Backed off",
"name": "Tabs",
"state": "Running",
"status": "severity_warning",
"num_entries": 0,
"num_live": 0
"unrecoverable_error_detected": false