This type of control is not available out-of-the-box at MAUI at this time.
You can customize a similar layout using AbsoluteLayout
and Frame
Customization, please refer to the following code:
<StackLayout x:Name="stacklayout" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<Label Text="test label">
<AbsoluteLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" Padding="20">
<Label Text="First Name" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="18,-13" Background="White" FontSize="14" ZIndex="99"/>
<Entry Margin="-10" WidthRequest="300"/>
If you also need to remove the underline from the Entry on Android, you can add the following code to the constructor of the page.
public MainPage()
Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EntryHandler.Mapper.AppendToMapping("NoUnderline", (h, v) =>
// Remove underline:
h.PlatformView.BackgroundTintList = Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList.ValueOf(Colors.Transparent.ToAndroid());
Best Regards,
Alec Liu.
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