Hello, @Rajat Jain !
Why am I getting a The subscription is not enabled for using the attach detach data disks API
error when trying to use BeginAttachDetachDataDisks
(Using GO SDK)?
Solution (thank you, Andrea Cappelletti!):
In order to use that specific API you will have to follow these steps to enable it in your subscription:
Prerequisites To register feature you need Contributor or Owner role on subscription. You can register this feature from CLI, first login:
az login
Then select your subscription:az account set --subscription "xxxxxx" ->Please replace xxxx by your Sub. ID
Then enable the API for your subscription:az feature registration create --namespace Microsoft.Compute --name UseNewDataDisksAttachDetachApi
Additionally, you also need to enable a feature called EtagPreview:az feature registration show --name EtagPreview --provider-namespace Microsoft.Compute
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