Hello @Joseph Kozsuch - Before creating the blob, could you try using the Parse JSON action to extract the value of contentBytes
and then base64 decode it? The decoded value should then be passed in to your blob content.
Error: Logic Apps Saving CSV file as Bytes in Blob Storage
Joseph Kozsuch
Reputation point
I'm trying to automate the process of receiving a scheduled email with an attached csv file and then overwriting the file in blob storage. However, the file is saved a json with bytes, not csv.
logic app design:
What is saved:
3 answers
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Mike Urnun 9,801 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2020-11-17T02:40:36.967+00:00 -
Joseph Kozsuch 1 Reputation point
2020-11-17T16:47:24.763+00:00 @Mike Urnun Thank you. I was able to parse the JSON. However, I have no background of using workflow to reference the json content and then decode it. Where would I find info to do this?
Joseph Kozsuch 1 Reputation point
2020-11-17T18:36:05.157+00:00 I received the answer from Stack overflow.