How can I test whether ZRS is working in Azure App Functions and Webapps?

I, Sathavahana SBOBNG-PTIY/CMJ 0 Reputation points

I have enabled ZRS for my azure app functions and azure webapps, but how can we know whether it is working? we cannot completely relay on Microsoft statement.

Is there any way to test it or how can we validate it?

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
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Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. Grmacjon-MSFT 16,791 Reputation points

    @I, Sathavahana SBOBNG-PTIY/CMJ thanks for the question. I see you posted a similar question here. When you say "we cannot completely rely on Microsoft statement." can you please explain further?

    To validate whether the Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS) feature is working for your Azure App Functions and Azure Web Apps, you can perform the following steps:

    1. Check the Azure Portal:
      • Go to the Azure Portal and navigate to your App Functions or Web Apps.
      • Look for the "Deployment" or "Backup" section, and check if it indicates that the storage account is configured for ZRS.
    2. Simulate a Failover:
      • Azure provides a feature called "Failover Testing" that allows you to simulate a regional failover of your App Functions or Web Apps.
      • To perform a failover test, go to the "Failover Testing" section in the Azure Portal for your App Functions or Web Apps, and follow the instructions to initiate the failover test.
      • During the failover test, monitor the behavior of your applications to ensure they continue to function as expected.
    3. Monitor Storage Redundancy:
      • You can use Azure Monitor to set up alerts and monitor the storage redundancy for your App Functions or Web Apps.
      • Navigate to the "Metrics" section in Azure Monitor and look for metrics related to storage redundancy, such as "Storage Account Capacity Replication Status".
      • Configure alerts to notify you if the storage redundancy state changes from the expected ZRS configuration.
    4. Perform Data Durability Tests:
      • You can perform data durability tests by intentionally deleting or modifying data within your App Functions or Web Apps, and then verifying that the data is still available and consistent across the redundant zones.
      • This can help validate that the ZRS configuration is working as expected and providing the desired level of data redundancy and durability.
    5. Review Storage Account Metrics:
      • Go to the storage account associated with your App Functions or Web Apps and navigate to the "Metrics" section.
      • Look for metrics related to data replication, such as "Transactions", "Ingress", and "Egress", to ensure that data is being replicated across the redundant zones as expected.

    By following these steps, you can actively validate and confirm that the ZRS configuration is working as expected for your Azure App Functions and Azure Web Apps. Please let us know if you have further questions.

