Why does OneDrive require Port 80? Required Ports and URLs for OneDrive

TvS-6140 0 Reputation points


so I need to request access to the Ports and URLs OneDrive needs but there is no chance that I am getting Port 80 cleared from my Proxy Admins. (Corporate Environment with OneDrive for Business)

I am referring to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges?view=o365-worldwide - "Sharepoint and OneDrive for Business".

So I am left to wonder if OneDrive really needs Port 80 or if it would be acceptable to only allow Port 443 connections to the required adresses?

My second questions is, are the URLs mentioned under "Sharepoint and OneDrive for Business" with tag <required> sufficient to use my OneDrive client? I only want to establish connection and synchronize files to my local machine, that's it.

What confused me is this page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/enterprise/managing-office-365-endpoints?view=o365-worldwide#pacfiles. Under "I have to have the minimum connectivity possible for Microsoft 365".

It says "The Microsoft 365 suite is broken down into major service areas. These areas can be selectively enabled for connectivity and there's a Common area, which is a dependency for all and is always required.", however when looking at the required adresses of the "Common Area" I am sceptical if they are actually necessary as they don't seem to involve OneDrive.

Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365
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