ServiceBus: Consuming from sessions through REST API

Sumit Jain 21 Reputation points

How can we consume from a Service Bus Queue which supports sessions through REST API. I was checking and it does not have any API for taking a lock on a session.

From it seems consuming sessions through Rest API is not possible. Can someone please confirm?

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
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  1. MayankBargali-MSFT 69,761 Reputation points

    Hi @Sumit Jain

    Enabling sessions is a control plane operation. You can use the REST API to receive messages from the queue/subscription that may not be a session, but you can't receive a session itself. Yes, your understanding is correct that it is a limitation that the Session receivers are not supported in REST Client.

    I have got an update from my team that this feature to support sessions receivers in REST API is currently not on the roadmap of the Product team. The only way would be switching to AMQP or AMQP over WebSockets using one of our supported SDKs for retrieving messages from sessions.

    To learn more about the session you can refer to this document.

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