Hello @IanCodeAce , Thanks for using Microsoft Q&A Platform.
I can understand that this may be quite confusing.
Can this actually read PDF files?
When utilizing the OCR for images feature, the input must exclusively be in an image file format. Otherwise, it throws an error.
Azure Computer Vision OCR is designed to extract text from images, including photographs, scanned documents, and various forms of visual content.
Use the Read API to extract printed and handwritten text in supported languages from images, PDFs, and TIFF files
Regarding your question, to utilize the PDF file, here is the Read API that supports this feature which you can use: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/computer-vision/how-to/call-read-api#input-requirements
Generally, it is recommended to use **Document Intelligence Read OCR model **for extracting text from PDF, Office, and HTML documents and document images.
Please go through these table to choose the model that fits your use case: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/computer-vision/quickstarts-sdk/client-library?tabs=linux%2Cvisual-studio&pivots=vision-studio#ocr-read-editions
I hope this helps.
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