Good evening all,
First of all english is not my mother langage, so I apologize,
I have a question about a VBA I made a macro that works but not in the way I want.
I have a sheet that is the sum of a yearly planning updated monthly. In this sheet I have some formula that are for exemple =xxcolumn of the table in sheet xx but well coded. The formula is in text so I can tip it without a message error.
My macro is this one :
For Each c In Range("D5:E7")
'c.Select 'I tried with or without and it is not working...
c.NumberFormat = "0.00"
c.Application.SendKeys "{F2}", True
c.Application.SendKeys "~", True
Next c
If I apply number format it will work but I have to press enter in the cell. If I run the macro it will work for the first column if I selected the upper cell before clicking my macro because it will make "my range" times enter . If I do the step by step in macro it will make enter in the macro ...
I am a bit lost ...
I tried to use .calculate but it is not working well.
Does anyone know what to do ?
Thanks for reading