Using ADF, how to dynamicaly replace excel headers blank spaces with underscores?
I'm working on an ADF pipeline whose goal is to copy an Excel file to a blob storage as a parquet file. To do so, I'm using a copy data activity. This activity needs to be as parametrized as possible, meaning that the Excel file schema is not to be known.
My issue is: if one of the headers includes a forbidden character (like a blank space), the activity will fail (c.f. error message below*). And so, I'm looking for a way to replace those blank spaces with an underscore character. To do so, I could easily use a derived column from Data Flow but it needs the schema and headers names which is not possible in my context.
So far I could not find any bypass solution...
*ErrorCode=ParquetInvalidColumnName,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The column name is invalid. Column name cannot contain these character:[,;{}()\n\t=],Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common,'