The sub-resource ID /subscriptions/......subnets/dnsin is invalid

joostmnl 0 Reputation points

I have a dnsresolver in a hub vnet deployed with this code:

resource dnsresolver 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers@2022-07-01' = {
  name: 'dnsResolver' 
  location: deploymentLocation
  properties: {
    virtualNetwork: {
      id: hubvnet.outputs.resourceId
	resource inendpoint 'inboundEndpoints@2022-07-01' = {
		name: 'dnsresolverin'
		properties: {
			ipConfigurations: [
					privateIpAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
					subnet: {
						id: '${hubvnet.outputs.resourceId}/subnets/dnsin'
	resource outendpoint 'outboundEndpoints@2022-07-01' = {
		name: 'dnsresolverout'
		properties: {
			subnet: {
				id: '${hubvnet.outputs.resourceId}/subnets/dnsout'

In a previous attempt I had this:

esource dnsresolver 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers@2022-07-01' = {
  name: 'dnsResolver' 
  location: deploymentLocation
  properties: {
    virtualNetwork: {
      id: hubvnet.outputs.resourceId
	resource inendpoint 'inboundEndpoints@2022-07-01' = {
		name: 'dnsresolverin'
		location: deploymentLocation
		properties: {
			ipConfigurations: [
					privateIpAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
					subnet: {
						id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/VirtualNetworks/subnets', hubvNetName, 'dnsin')
	resource outendpoint 'outboundEndpoints@2022-07-01' = {
		name: 'dnsresolverout'
		location: deploymentLocation
		properties: {
			subnet: {
				id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/VirtualNetworks/subnets', hubvNetName, 'dnsout')

And that failed with this response:

The request is invalid, please look into details section for more information. Check the following location for additional guidance: (Code: BadRequest)

  The sub-resource ID   /subscriptions/../resourceGroups/../providers/Microsoft.Network/VirtualNetworks/vnet001/subnets/dnsout is invalid. It should be a valid Azure resource ID of type Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets. (Code: BadRequest)

I would like to understand how the id from resourceId() differs from the success case.

In other words: what is a "sub-resource ID" and why is the id provided by resourceId() invalid?

Azure DNS
Azure DNS
An Azure service that enables hosting Domain Name System (DNS) domains in Azure.
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Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network
An Azure networking service that is used to provision private networks and optionally to connect to on-premises datacenters.
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