From the warning, you can choose to report this site as a safe site. Click the link for More information then click Report that this site does not contain threats.
Additionally, you can also do the following:
- If you ask users for personal information, use HTTPS with a valid, unexpired server certificate issued by a trusted certification authority.
- Make sure that your webpage doesn't expose any cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Protect your site by using anti-cross-site scripting functions such as those provided by the Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting library.
- Use the fully-qualified domain name rather than an IP-literal address. (This means a URL should look like "microsoft.com" and not "")
- Don't encode or tunnel your URLs unnecessarily. If you don't know what this means, you probably aren't doing it.
- If you post external or third-party hosted content, make sure that the content is secure and from a known and trusted source.