Afaik the corresponding endpoint only supports delegate permissions, you cannot connect via a service principal.
Connect-OrganizationAddInService using Entra ServicePrincipal ID
Juan Perez
Reputation points
I am trying to find if someone has successfully done this, basically automatize the deployment of an Add-in to Office 365
- Client Secret: "1111111111111111111" (This is a secret that should be protected and not shown, I am having a look how to improve this)
- APP ID: "2222222222222222222222222"
- TenantID : "333333333333333333333333"
Created a Microsoft Entra App and added:
- Office 365 Exchange Online and Exchange.ManageAsAPP API Permissions
- In Microsoft Entra roles and administrators, Exchange Administrator added MSOfficeAddon Princial App
I tried the below, but not working
Import-Module -Name O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
Install-Module -Name O365CentralizedAddInDeployment
$clientSecret = "1111111111111111111"
$appId = "2222222222222222222222222"
$tenantId = "333333333333333333333333"
$secureStringPwd = $clientSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$psCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList
$appId, $secureStringPwd
Connect-OrganizationAddInService -Credential $psCredential
Then two different outcomes errors
- Connect-OrganizationAddInService : The Organization Add-In Service session was not initialized. Please call the Connect-OrganizationAddInService commandlet first.
- OrganizationAddInService : The user name or password is incorrect. Verify your user name, and then type your password again.
I tested the PSCredentials and worked
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $psCredential -Tenant $tenantId