Hello Michael,
Are they able to login to Outlook on the Web?
- If "YES", attempt the below steps to clear out any cached credentials and do an Office 365 clean reinstall on the device, save any work:
- Step 1: Completely uninstall Office with OfficeScrub tool: https://aka.ms/SaRA-officeUninstallFromPC
- Step 2: Clear the Credential Manager: Accessing Credential Manager (microsoft.com)
- Step 3: Remove Office Registry Keys (make sure to save a backup first): Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0
- Step 4: Remove School or Work accounts (Only if signed in with a local account already): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-or-remove-accounts-on-your-pc-104dc19f-6430-4b49-6a2b-e4dbd1dcdf32#:~:text=If%20you%20need%20to%20remove%20an%20account%20from%20your%20PC,to%20remove%2C%20then%20select%20Disconnect.
- Run the Powershell command mentioned here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/troubleshoot/authentication/automatic-authentication-fails
- Remove all folders in the following locations: “%localappdata%/Microsoft/OneAuth” and “%localappdata%/Microsoft/IdentityCache”
- Step 5: Install Office again using portal.office.com
- Step 6: Open cmd.exe as admin and run the following command: dsregcmd /leave /debug
- In "NO", the user might not have the correct license assigned to have a valid Exchange Online mailbox. Check under admin.microsoft.com, go to your list of active users and locate the user concerned. Check if they have a valid license assigned.
Keep me posted once you try the above,