Have an 500 error using Azure Key&Vault when deploy IIS
First of all, I succeed connecting between my Asp .NET Core 8 MVC project and Azure Key&Vault in local environment.
However, I got an 500 error after deploy into IIS in my computer.
What I want to do:
I just want to test that other employees can use website I made or not.
What I did:
I installed .NET 8 host bundle and IIS manager in my computer. And deployed the Asp .NET Core 8 MVC project.
I added Key&Vault service dependencies in VS2022 like below image.
Also allowed public access from all networks in Azure KeyVault Networking and got Key Vault Administrator, Owner permission and got All Permissions which Key, Secret, Certificate in Access polices.
Access Policies :
without Azure of MVC project can perform 100% after deploy IIS in my local computer.
Could you mention what I'm missing?
Thank you.