Bitlocker encryption, MFT Corrupted for the fifth time, booted windows 10 again and unlocked my drive, have the passwords and everything and now the file system status is unknown.

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Bitlocker encryption, MFT Corrupted for the fifth time, booted windows 10 again and unlocked my drive, have the passwords and everything and now the file system status is unknown.

I booted and installed Windows a bunch of times, I am using Windows 10 and another system but everytime I boot windows 10, it messes up my old system and I put bitlocker for the first time. I thought that when windows 10 ran chkdsk it corrupted my MFT partition and this forced a recovery/format of my partition. Second time I unlocked it, it became raw. Third time, same thing. Fourth time I waited to enable bitlocker and it worked obviously without bitlocker (until I rebooted Windows 10 again). The TPM is saving the key so I don't have to enter it, but once I get to Windows 10 for a fifth time. I was asked to provide a recovery key, and once I inputted it it said encryption complete I even backed it up to my ms account. This issue is with Bitlocker. I am trying to get my windows 7 drive to open, I have two. One is encrypted with Windows 7 and worked perfect with 10. My other one just says unknown and I keep trying to unlock it with windows and it refuses to let me access the contents, then stops me from using it (by corrupting)

Here is my status for Windows: I ran manage bde status and this got me this, and before windows was able to boot in to the system multiple times and once I ran windows 10, my system wouldn't boot anymore. So now when I booted my old system once more, it goes into recovery mode asks for the key, and then it says could not find C:\windows\system32\winload.exe. I went back to Windows 10 to check what happened and it turns out that Windows 10, corrupted my MFT for the partition my older system was on. Now, it is RAW and I can not access the partition and it was asking me to format it. All I did was input my key, and it said Bitlocker 0% encrypted or complete. Now it is corrupted and I believe all I did was unlock bitlocker and it just said status not encrypted. I know it was fully encrypted because I booted my system with bitlocker fully encrypted. Windows 10 is doing something to fck up my partition and this is the fifth time I had to reinstall Windows because of a major encryption fckup. Can someone tell me what is going on?

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