Unable to sideload teams app--useless "Something Went Wrong" error message

Eric Schoen 21 Reputation points

I have a validated teams app manifest. When I try to add it to a channel that I own using the macOS Teams app, I get the "Something Went Wrong" error message. I have also tried using Teams through a web browser, and I get the same error message.

I pulled the log files from the macOS Teams app, and found this bit of relevant error message, which looks a lot like an attempt to dereference undefined in JavaScript.

2024-05-09T12:36:38.933Z Err	resolverUncaughtErrorBoundary__doNotAssignToGraphQLTeam: Uncaught error in a GraphQL resolver for operation "installSideLoadApp", at field selection path "installSideLoadApp" - {"message":"installSideLoadApp failed: {\"name\":\"TypeError\",\"message\":\"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')\",\"stack\":[]}","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["installSideLoadApp"],"extensions":{"type":"UnknownError","code":"NONE","prevError":{"context":"installSideLoadApp","subContext":"","code":"Unknow...
2024-05-09T12:36:38.933Z Err	resolverUncaughtErrorBoundary__doNotAssignToGraphQLTeam: Uncaught error in a GraphQL resolver for operation "installSideLoadApp", at field selection path "installSideLoadApp"
2024-05-09T12:36:24.995Z Inf	esp-engine/BIEvent(appDetailsShareAppFirstViewCoachmark): no surfaces to show

Here is a sanitized version of the manifest. Again: it validates. And to ward off other checklist items I've seen on similar questions, my network is stable and this problem has persisted for over a day. The corresponding app id exists in our Entra ID and has what I believe are (more than) the necessary app permissions assigned. I assume there is a consistency problem somewhere in the manifest that the validator doesn't detect, but given the dereference of undefined error in the log (which I've seen multiple places in the log at times corresponding to my attempts to upload the app), it's possible there's a Teams bug, or at least a failure to properly validate some portion of the manifest before using it.

  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/teams/v1.16/MicrosoftTeams.schema.json",
  "manifestVersion": "1.16",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "id": "817bb697-ac04-4f9f-9da4-3cd304d65d6b",
  "packageName": "com....",
  "developer": {
      "name": "...",
      "websiteUrl": "https://domain.com",
      "privacyUrl": "https://domain.com/privacy-policy/",
      "termsOfUseUrl": "https://domain.com/terms-of-use/",
      "mpnId": "..."
  "name": {
      "short": "short",
      "full": "full name"
  "description": {
      "short": "short desc",
      "full": "long description"
  "localizationInfo": {
      "defaultLanguageTag": "en-us"
  "icons": {
      "outline": "outline.png",
      "color": "full.png"
  "bots": [{
      "botId": "817bb697-ac04-4f9f-9da4-3cd304d65d6b",
      "scopes": ["personal","team", "groupChat"],
      "isNotificationOnly": true
  "accentColor": "#1976bd",
  "validDomains": ["*.domain.com"],
  "permissions": [
  "authorization": {
      "permissions": {
          "resourceSpecific": [
             {"type":  "Application", "name":  "TeamsActivity.Send.Group"}

Entra ID Application permissions:
enter image description here

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Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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