Expanding File and Media Web Part and Document Library Web Part to Full Width in a SharePoint Page

Ahmed Donia 0 Reputation points

I am working on a SharePoint page where I need to display sales orders side by side using a File and Media web part and a Document Library web part. However, the web parts only occupy a small portion of the available space in their respective sections.

My goal is to make both web parts expand to take up the full width of their sections, allowing for better visibility of the document library columns and providing a larger preview of the selected file.

Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve the following:

Expand the File and Media web part to occupy the full width of its section, maximizing the preview size of the selected file.

Expand the Document Library web part to span the full width of its section, enabling the display of the maximum number of columns without horizontal scrolling.

Ensure that the expanded web parts maintain their responsiveness and adapt to different screen sizes appropriately.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!User's image

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  1. Haoyan Xue_MSFT 20,986 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Ahmed Donia ,

    Thank you for posting in this community.

    Based on your description, you want to make the web part full page width in the SharePoint Online. Per my knowledge, currently, there is no OOTB way to meet your requirement.

    SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solution can be configured to support web part full page width by setting the supportsFullBleed property to true. But looks like you are using a modern team site, the full width column is currently available only for communication site.

    I recommend that you submit the suggestion for this feature in this SharePoint feedback portal.

    Reference about SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solution: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/web-parts/basics/use-web-parts-full-width-column

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