Why latest changes on Azure App Service not reflecting with docker image tag "latest"

Sarmad Shafique 5 Reputation points

I encountered a problem related to Azure App Service recently. I'm deploying my frontend code written in Nextjs to Azure App Service using Container Images. I'm using Azure Pipeline for building & pushing images to Azure Container Registry. Once latest image pushed to ACR, Azure App Service pulled that image and run it in container.

I'm currently creating one image with two tags one with tag latest & the other one with $(Build.SourceBranchName).$(Build.BuildNumber). Now, the issue is that since a month ago, latest changes are not reflecting on Azure App Service with tag "latest". I don't made any changes in my pipeline nor in Azure App Service still Azure App Service failed to reflect latest changes with tag "latest".

It was an automated process before a month ago we don't need any manual intervention to change image tag as we were building docker image with "latest" tag. Now, I've to manually change the tag for latest changes on Azure App Service.

I've troubleshoot it and these are my findings below.

  • Manually deleted/cleared all tags and did new deployment when we encountered this issue for the first time
  • Changed Image tag name from Pre-release to Production
  • Changed Azure CLI version
  • Added azure acr purge command in the pipeline task to delete image tags & cache no longer than 1day
  • Added a task "Restarted the App Service" after pushing latest docker image
  • Removed two tags command from the pipeline to test that with only latest tag our issue can resolved that we tested that after second deployment with latest tag new changes didn't appeared.

I've researched it on Google and applied many ways but still the issue is prevailing. If you need any detail regarding the issue please do reach out to me. Thanks!

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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