Update API Management API version to 2021-08-01 - Unable to Rollback Changes

Tran, Samuel 25 Reputation points

Received an email to update our Azure API Management tooling. In the email it provided steps to simulate the changes by enforcing the minimum version.
Deployment + Infrastructure > Management API > Management API Settings

We wanted to check which tools would break and rollback temporarily to resolve tools that needs to be updated, but this option is disabled after making the changes. How can we rollback the changes temporarily so that nothing in our tools is broken while we make the fixes. My understanding is that we have until 1 June 2024.

Azure API Management
Azure API Management
An Azure service that provides a hybrid, multi-cloud management platform for APIs.
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  1. LeelaRajeshSayana-MSFT 13,871 Reputation points

    Hi @Tran, Samuel Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum. Thank you for posting this question here.

    I do not see a way to rest the Minimum API version once it is set from the portal. However, we can use the Api Management Service - Create Or Update API end point under API Management service to change this configuration. Kindly note that this is long running operation. The page also provides the sample implementation of the call in different programming languages. Please find the below sample Python implementation I have tested for reference

    def main():
        client = ApiManagementClient(
        response = client.api_management_service.begin_create_or_update(
                "location": "East US",
                "properties": {                
                    "publisherEmail": "emailID",
                    "publisherName": "Microsoft",
                    "virtualNetworkType": "None",
                "sku": {"capacity": 1, "name": "Premium"},
                "tags": {'AKS': '', 'tagName': ''}

    You can make a get call to end point Api Management Service - Get to see what properties are defined on your instance and please make sure that "apiVersionConstraint": {"minApiVersion": "2021-08-01"} is removed from your parameters before you make an update call.

    The update will take a few minutes to make the change.

    Once the update is done I see that the API version setting is reverted back on my instance. Please find the below image for reference.

    enter image description here

    As a side note, please refer to the article API version retirements (June 2024) which provides information on the tools, scripts and programs that need to be updated to avoid any impact due to this APi version change.

    Hope this helps! If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through the comments below.

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