The email states to following:
Upgrade by May 20, 2024, to save your data and keep building in Azure You’re receiving this email because your free credit has expired. The data and services associated with your Azure account will be deleted on May 20, 2024. But it’s not too late—upgrade to pay-as-you-go pricing to restore your configured services and data. Keep building with 12 months of popular services for free and more than 40 services that are always free.*
Upgrade now >
Beyond the free amounts, only pay for what you use each month. It’s easy to cancel, anytime.
Your subscription data will be permanently deleted on May 20, 2024. If you decide not to upgrade, sign in and save any important data before then. Upgrade before May 20, 2024, to resume using your services with minimal interruption.
If you need more help, submit a support ticket.
What data? Is this going to take out my Entra ID and Microsoft 365 environments?
I tried the support ticket and got a message that said:
Sorry, we couldn’t create a support request for this subscription as it may be disabled. Get help for disabled subscriptions at
The disabled help looped me to a phone number and that number redirected me BACK TO THE SUBMIT A TICKET...
This is kinda infuriating... I just want to know what's being impacted and how and I can't seem to get the info I need.
Can someone provide some insight or a way to confirm what's at stake here?