Prebuilt OCR model for health insurance cards is not extracting fields

Eren Cansunar 35 Reputation points


Our team has been using a prebuilt OCR model to extract data from health insurance cards, but it has stopped working for us recently. We're receiving a 504 Gateway error and the model isn't functioning on the Document Intelligence Studio. We've tested other prebuilt models, and they're working as expected. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any insights or suggestions for fixing the problem would be appreciated.

Azure AI Document Intelligence
Azure AI Document Intelligence
An Azure service that turns documents into usable data. Previously known as Azure Form Recognizer.
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  1. VasaviLankipalle-MSFT 15,086 Reputation points

    Hello @Eren Cansunar , thanks for reporting this issue affecting the East US region especially for Prebuilt OCR model for health insurance cards.

    The product team confirmed that the issue is mitigated today. Please retry on the East US region.

    I hope this helps.



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