Taking long time when handling large amount of data in gridview

Gani_tpt 1,986 Reputation points

I have been developing ASP.NET application. i am storing the image to sql table as binary format.

i have more than 5000 customer records in the table.

every customer will have the medical certificate as image in will be stored in SQL table in binary format ==> Is that good idea for Storing image in SQL table ...?

when we are handling the paging, particularly when saving record of selected checked row in each page "it is taking long time to save" or while loading the date into grid it is taking long time to display the data to the user.

we are keep on getting complaint from the end user, loading of grid view data is taking long time to display and

also, whenever the changing the page, it is also taking long time.

I want to handle this performance issue in the grid view.

currently i am using default paging.

if i use to start custom paging ==> can it solve my issue...?

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Accepted answer
  1. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 58,936 Reputation points

    the query for the grid should not include the image column as this will increase the network payload an greatly slow down the query. if the grid needs. thumbnail (probably not likely with medical cert), then a pre calculated thumbnail column should be added.

    5000 rows is not too bad for query access, but a 5000 row html table, can have performance issues. you should use a javascript grid that supports virtual scrolling. if this is not an option, then you should use a paging grid.

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