I'm using a STM32F732 dev board with threadx, netx + secure.
I have my own mqtt broker and a set of self signed certs, I have tested the broker and client certs using MQTT Explorer and can connect with 2-way cert validation without issue.
I have threadx/netx working with the broker when only using the server cert and no client cert checks, I'm trying to add the client certs into netx secure, however I keep getting the following error when initializing the local cert with the private key = NX_SECURE_PKCS1_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY.
Drilling down into the code the following check is failing in _nx_secure_x509_pkcs1_rsa_private_key_parse()
/* Parse our next field, the modulus. */
status = _nx_secure_x509_asn1_tlv_block_parse(xxxx xxx xxx xxxx);
tlv_type is set to 16 after the parse, however NX_SECURE_ASN_TAG_INTEGER is set at 2.
The certs have been generated from openssl as follows,
openssl genrsa -out stm32.key -traditional 2048
openssl req -config client.cnf -key stm32.key -new -sha256 -out stm32.csr
openssl ca -config client.cnf -extensions usr_cert -days 365 -notext -md sha256 -in stm32.csr -out stm32.crt
To convert the key / cert to DER for Netx as follows,
openssl rsa -in stm32.key -out stm32_rsa.key -traditional
openssl rsa -in stm32_rsa.key -outform DER -out stm32_rsa.der
xxd -i stm32_rsa.der > stm32_rsa_der.h
I'm assuming I have a format error in the key creation, however not knowing the details of the certs and keys means its hard to tell.
Any guidance would be great.