Hi - if you're seeing this "code": 502, "source": "0a7c12e12fd2b8d7.07.common**.logic-westeurope.azure-apihub.net**", , "message": "BadGateway" Then it suggests you are using the managed-connector towards SQL
As suggested by the source URL managed connectors are hosted in their own infra that cannot know of your VNET and network config
basically the logic app calls out to the managed connector (http) - and by default the connector would require a public SQL endpoint to connect (TCP)
The better choice here would be to use the built in or "in app" connector
For more info on this please see here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/connectors/connectors-create-api-sqlazure?tabs=consumption#connector-technical-reference
Edit: See comments below - there's no built in connector for MYSQL but should be able to use OPDG (on prem data gateway with the managed connector to facilitate private comms)
One easy way to tell - if you look for the connection , if it's "built in" it'll be under the "service provider" tab