How to downgrade app service plan?

RAJ KUMAR REDDY AVULA 0 Reputation points

Hi Everyone,

We have one App Service Plan and under this plan, we have the development and production of web apps with a B1 plan. But we are planning to downgrade the dev web apps to a cost-effective plan and keep Prod web apps as it is with the B1 plan.

Appreciate it if anyone help me to get out of this.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. TP 79,246 Reputation points


    To downgrade the app service plan for your development web apps you first need to create a new App Service Plan in same region and resource group and operating system as the current App Service Plan, only with less expensive SKU such as D1. You may use link below to start the process of creating new app service plan:

    Please remember it needs to be in same region, same resource group, and same operating system version as your existing plan.

    Once the new App Service Plan is created, navigate to a development web app in the portal, on left click on App Service Plan -- Change App Service Plan blade. On right select the new App Service Plan you created above from the dropdown, and then save the change.

    If you have additional development web apps that you would like to downgrade, repeat the last paragraph in order to change them to the new app service plan as well.

    Please click Accept Answer and upvote if the above was helpful.



  2. Deepanshu katara 5,920 Reputation points

    Hi Raj, Welcome to MS Q&A

    Yes for dev webapp you can scale-down the app service plan from Basic tier to Free tier and scaling-up of app service plan from free to basic tier is also supported so you can change it needed afterwards if required

    Please check this doc for doing it from the portal itself

    If this a regular/frequent task, then you can automate this scaling up/down operation using any of the below services.

    1. Logic App: Create a logic app workflow with HTTP action in it and thereby calling the App Service plans-update REST API.
    2. Automation Account: Create a Script using either PowerShell Cmdlet Set-AzAppServicePlan or by using AzCLI Cmdlet az appservice plan update
    3. Azure Functions: Create a PowerShell function App and run the above created script to scale up/down the app service plan.

    Feel free to reach back to me if you have any further questions on this.

    Kindly accept if it helps . Thanks!