Why am I getting a "Creation of this gallery app is not supported" error (Status: 400, BadRequest) when trying to use the `Invoke-MgInstantiateApplicationTemplate` command?

Sergii Machulin 0 Reputation points

I am encountering an error when attempting to instantiate a gallery app "Adobe Identity Management (OIDC)" using the Invoke-MgInstantiateApplicationTemplate command.

$applicationTemplateId = (Get-MgApplicationTemplate -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Adobe Identity Management (OIDC)'").Id

$params = @{
	displayName = "Adobe Identity Management (OIDC)"

Invoke-MgInstantiateApplicationTemplate -ApplicationTemplateId $applicationTemplateId -BodyParameter $params

The error details are as follows:

Invoke-MgInstantiateApplicationTemplate_Instantiate : Creation of this gallery app is not supported
Status: 400 (BadRequest)
ErrorCode: BadRequest

I have verified that my applicationTemplateId is correct and that I have the necessary permissions. Despite this, I continue to receive the "Creation of this gallery app is not supported" error.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have any insights on why this error might be occurring and how to resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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