dacpac project .sqlproj creation. errors with multiple schemas

Ramanjaneyulu Jerugula 0 Reputation points

i have SQL Server database, with objects defined under two schemas,

Schema 1 - dbo.

Schema 2 - pr.

Tables - dbo.person, dbo.orders, pr.person , pr.orders, pr.sales

SP= dbo.getpersons, dbo.getdata, pr. salesinfo.

when imported the data into .sqlproj for creation of dacpac and automated deployment.

always get compilation build errors mentioning that .

Error SQL71501: Table: [pr].[person] has an unresolved reference to Schema [pr]

Error SQL71501: Table: [pr].[orders] has an unresolved reference to Schema [pr]

Error SQL71501: Table: [pr].[sales] has an unresolved reference to Schema [pr]

I have tried by importing the database using

schema/Objects, objects only,

and also, included the schema name in filename also project settings..

nothing helped out.. got same problem

tried in SQL server 2016, 2019, 2022 in sqlproject Target platform

and VS2022

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

Version 17.9.6


Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

Version 17.9.6


SQL Server Data Tools

SQL Server
SQL Server
A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions.
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