Purview: Connector Exception: Configuration file conf/ModelBridgeList.xml is invalid

DE PARCEVAUX Olivier OBS/S EUR 0 Reputation points

i have configured SalesForce Instance as a DataSource on Purview after having connected SalesForce on Search and Intelligence.

I have been following below instructions with deviations as document does not reflect the new template.:


In my case:

  • User Name = username as email address that connect to SalesForce
  • SalesForceUserPwd = Pwd from previous account + Security Token - concatenated.
  • Consumer KEY = Consumer Key defined in SalesForce for my Apps.
  • Secret = Consumer Secret defined iN SalesForce for my Apps

User's image

When testing the connection i receive below message:

User's image

I have checked what could be root cause of this message but without success.

Can you help me please ?


Microsoft Purview
Microsoft Purview
A Microsoft data governance service that helps manage and govern on-premises, multicloud, and software-as-a-service data. Previously known as Azure Purview.
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  1. DE PARCEVAUX Olivier OBS/S EUR 0 Reputation points

    Hello Gunnam,
    thanks for your quick feedback.
    I confirm using the Salesforce login endpoint URL as Domain URL on my dev environment.

    User's image

    Currently i don't have any Login Policies that prevent the Login.

    User's image

    Hope it helps.