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Creating new linked services returns SqlFailedToConnect

Kristina Payan 0 Reputation points

I'd like to start by first stating that this is a continuation of my efforts to connect an Azure SQL DB to Data Factory via the Linked services.

Creating new linked services returns InvalidCredentialReference

My new error is below:

Cannot connect to SQL Database. Please contact SQL server team for further support. Server: 'log1.database.windows.net', Database: 'DB2', User: ''. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall allows the integration runtime to access.
Database 'DB2' on server 'log1.database.windows.net' is not currently available.  Please retry the connection later. 

I've tried: Azure SQL Server -> Access control (IAM) -> Role assignments -> added role assignment -> LOGDF (which is the data factory I created) I've given the following access.. roles: Owner, Contributor, SQL DB Contributor

Azure SQL Database
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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