Storage shows 2.2GB but I deleted all artifacts more than 48h ago

Jorge Moraleda 15 Reputation points

I am in the free tier. My storage shows 2.2GiB but I deleted all artifacts more than 48h ago and it still has not decreased. I am unable to upload new artifacts. Here there are some screenshots showing the problem:

Storage shows 2.2Gib
User's image

User's image

But I deleted all artifacts more than 48h ago. In fact, when I click on "View storage breakdown" and drill down it shows there is nothing there:

User's image

User's image

I assume there is some bug in azure. At this point I am just considering deleting the account. Are there any other options?

Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Storage Accounts
Globally unique resources that provide access to data management services and serve as the parent namespace for the services.
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  1. Jorge Moraleda 15 Reputation points

    For anyone who got here. I got a solution by posting through the developer portal:

    In short: Delete the feed, not just the artifacts inside it. (It may have to do with retention policies?)

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  2. Amrinder Singh 3,795 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi Jorge Moraleda - Thanks for reaching out.

    Do you have any data protection feature such as Soft delete, versioning etc enabled on the account? If yes, although you might have performed the deletion, the data might still exist in the backend in soft deleted or versioned state.

    You can navigate to Storage Account -> Data Protection to verify the settings.

    Another possibility is that there is some lag with the garbage collection and it is taking time to reflect the actual size.

    Please review the account configurations once and let me know if that's the case.

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  3. Anand Prakash Yadav 7,465 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hello Jorge Moraleda,

    Thank you for posting your query here!

    As per the document Optimizing package storage (and costs!), “When you delete either a feed or a package (with the above instructions), it will be moved into your recycling bin. At that point they’ll be marked for hard deletion after 30 days. However, these packages remain part of your billable costs. If you don’t want to wait the full 30 days, you can navigate to the recycling bin, and delete them individually.”

    And by reference to this doc: Start using Azure Artifacts, it states that “Deletion of artifacts doesn’t register immediately. It can take up to 24 hours (at most 48 hours) for the usage level to be updated. If you’re blocked from uploading artifacts, you can temporarily increase your usage level to continue publishing artifacts. Then, reduce the level once the storage metrics are updated.”

    See: Azure Artifacts billing changes coming October 2020 for more details.

    The organization-level view will show you your total storage summary and your storage consumption by Artifact type and by project. So, you could check the details for used storage.

    Reference: Artifact Storage breakdown,

    And this blog: Azure Artifacts billing changes coming October 2020, states that “To unblock your workflows, you need to update your usage tier to “No limit, pay for what you use”. This can take up to an hour to take effect.”

    Also, since the issue appears to be with Azure DevOps and not Azure Storage specifically, we recommend raising a post here for better assistance:

    A similar issue has been reported here:

    Do let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.

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