Query about Node.js 16 in Azure Functions end date

Abhishek Sinha 61 Reputation points


I recently received an email from Azure recommending that I upgrade my function app to node.js 20 version. However, I'm not using node.js in my function app code; all the programming is done in C#. Despite not using any dependency that utilizes node.js 16, should I double-check and verify if any dependency is using it? Will my function app version or app service plan be affected?

My primary concern is whether the mailer is only about the Node.js 16 programming or any other function app configuration.

Best regards,


Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
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Accepted answer
  1. MayankBargali-MSFT 69,846 Reputation points

    @Abhishek Sinha Thanks for reaching out.

    I will suggest you to validate all your function app in all your subscription along with the standard logic app that runs under node.js

    There alert is sent to all the customers who have the function resources and you can validate if there is any action needed from your end.

    You can use the script below to validate if any of your applications are still running with node.

    The below is for reference and you can modify as per your need.

    $subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
    $AppInfo = @{}
    foreach ($s in $subscriptions) 
     Set-AzContext -Subscription $s| Out-Null
     $FunctionApps = Get-AzFunctionApp
     foreach ($App in $FunctionApps)
        if ($App.ApplicationSettings.WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION = '16')
            $Row = @{ Subscription = ""
                    FunctionName = ""
                    Location = ""
            $Row.FunctionName = $App.Name
            $Row.Location = $App.Location
            $Row.Subscription = $App.SubscriptionId
            $AppInfo+= $Row

    In case if you have any standard logic app still running with old version then you can update to 18 version as documented here.

    Please click on 'Yes' if it helped so that it can help others in the community looking for help on similar topics.

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