Enabling Azure Service Access to OpenAI Service through NSG on Private Endpoint: Exploring Exception Checkbox

tatsu sei 60 Reputation points

Today, I deployed a new OpenAI service in my Vnet (with private endpoint). I noticed that there is a new checkbox option called [Exception] in the network settings.

However, during my deployment, (including my previously created open ai service) I didn't see any option to specify the exceptions. Is the "Check on" selection the default for the OpenAI service?

If I disable the checkbox, is there a way to enable Azure service to access my OpenAI service? Can I achieve this by using NSG on a private endpoint?User's image

Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service
An Azure service that provides access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models with enterprise capabilities.
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  1. Charlie Wei 3,305 Reputation points

    Hello ShengChen-2218,

    The option allows other services to directly call Azure OpenAI from the underlying layer. The most representative use case is in Azure OpenAI On Your Data, where the Azure AI Search Index performs embedding processing by calling Azure OpenAI. As shown in the attached document, if you want to securely use Azure OpenAI On Your Data, step 11 in the diagram requires "Bypass Trusted Service", which is the setting for that checkbox.

    This is my understanding; please correct me if I'm wrong.

    enter image description here

    Best regards,

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