Hello @Pratim Das, Partha C ,
You can run the below commands using Azure Portal Cloud Shell to login to the container and delete required files. If you want to use local system , make sure to install az cli cmd-lets and kubectl depending upon your environment (windows/linux)
1) Get the access credentials for the required aks cluster
-> az aks get-credentials -g <AKSResourceGroup> -n <AKSClusterName>
2) Get the pod name on which your container is running
-> kubectl get pods ( It will list out all the running pods )
3) If you have multiple containers running on that Pod , you can list all the container names using the below command
-> kubectl get pod <PodName> -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' (It will output all the container names)
4) ****To login to the particular container****
-> kubectl exec -it <PodName> -c <ContainerName> /bin/bash
-> If you have only one container running on that Pod , you can directly use the command
kubectl exec -it <PodName> /bin/bash
5) After Step4 , you are in the container and you can remove the required files