Please don't post text, including code snippets, as images - it is inaccessible and difficult to read and work with. If the text in your screenshots is important then please edit your post to include it as text.
Your previous screenshot of the WebView showing an icon rather than your animation suggests the gif file wasn't found. That's the view you'll get when an img element can't find its source.
As noted by Leon, GIFs not animating in release mode on Android is a bug that is being tracked at .Net MAUI 7 Android, Image Gif Animation Not Playing in Release Mode, Normal in Debug Mode #12974. Q&A isn't a bug reporting or tracking site, so please follow its status on github. Maui bugs are managed in the repo.
Loading the GIF in a WebView is a workaround and wouldn't be generally recommended if the Image control worked as expected. Because the bug is specific to Android, Redth provide an Android specific workaround. Others have reported successfully using alternative rendering libraries as well.
Redth's basic concept isn't Android specific, just the actual implementation: you can set the WebView's Source in XAML without hardcoding the Android path. The following displays and animates my.gif in both Android and Windows Release mode. I don't have a Mac handy to confirm iOS, but I expect it to work there as well.
<WebView HeightRequest="200" WidthRequest="200" x:Name="webView" Source="my.html" />
"my.html" contains the following (copied from redth's)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style="background-color: #ffffff; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<img src="my.gif" width="200" height="200">
and my.gif
are MauiAssets located in the root Resources/raw folder rather than in Platforms/Android/Resources/raw folder.
For more information on loading a WebView from a local file see WebView - Display a local HTML file
For more information on Raw assets see Raw Assets