How to remove unwanted charges on my Azure free trial account and get the subscription reenabled?

Todd Miller 0 Reputation points

On Friday 5/17/2024 I activated a free Azure subscription. I tried adding the Azure Key Vault Managed HSM resource thinking it was Azure Key Vault. After a couple hours I realized my mistake and deleted the resource. Today (Thursday 5/23/2024) I received a notice that my sucription has been disabled due to using up my credit limit. I reviewed charges in Cost Analysis and see that Azure Key Vault Managed HSM continued charging each day after last Friday. How do I get help from Microsoft to remove the unwanted Azure Key Vault Managed HSM charges after being deleted, and get the subscription reenabled? I tried to submit a support request in Help + Support, but I got an error that said I can't submit support requests in this area due to my subscription being deactivated.

Azure Cost Management
Azure Cost Management
A Microsoft offering that enables tracking of cloud usage and expenditures for Azure and other cloud providers.
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