Why has my long running 90 day inactive Guest Access Review suddenly start using non-interactive sign-in instead of interactive sign in timestamps?

Randy Nameth 0 Reputation points


I have been running the above mentioned access review for probably 2 years without major issues. Recently it seems that the reviews have switched to looking at non-interactive sign-ins as well as interactive sign ins.

There is really two issues here but for this post I am more concerned about number one.

  1. Guests that have not interactively connected to our tenant in 7 months do not show up on the 90 day inactive report. (They show recent non interactive sign ins but as far as we are concerned they are not related to our tenant)
  2. Guests are showing non interactive sign ins without connecting to our tenant for several months. If truly connecting to our tenant the guests would be prompted for MFA every day...causing an interactive sign in.

The monthly review only shows 3 guests inactive for 90 days or more when it should show probably 20.

The user below is not showing up as on the 90 day inactive user list.

User's image

Perhaps I am missing something as I imagine this cannot be by design.

Any guidance would be appreciated. :-)

Thanks in advance

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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