Cloud shell blank black screen

Frank Dodds 0 Reputation points


After creating free blob storage I opened Azure cloud shell in my free subscription and cannot see the promt just black screen.

I have completed the following without any joy.

  1. Refresh the Browser: Sometimes, the issue can be temporary. Refreshing the browser or reopening the Azure portal can help.
  2. Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser's cache and cookies, then try opening Azure Cloud Shell again.
  3. Try a Different Browser: Sometimes, browser-specific issues can cause problems. Try using a different browser to access Azure Cloud Shell.
  4. Check Network Connectivity: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Sometimes network issues can prevent Azure Cloud Shell from loading properly.
  5. Disable Browser Extensions: Certain browser extensions can interfere with Cloud Shell. Try disabling them and then accessing the shell.
  6. Resize the Shell Window: Sometimes, resizing the Cloud Shell window can force it to refresh and display correctly. Any help welcome. Thank you.
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