It's fine to set a Static Private IP in OS - It's just critical to set the IP through the VM's Virtual NIC first, in Azure. Without specifying the IP in Azure first, it will lose connection to the NIC. If that happens, you may need to attach a new, clean NIC and delete the old disconnected one.
Private IP Static configuration on the network interface properties within the Azure VM
Ratish Kumar - External
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In the past we have tried configuring static IP at the NIC level for an Azure VM which we were hosting as additional domain controller in the Azure cloud but the VM lost is connectivity after that. So we have never configured any IP at NIC level after that.
We have a new requirement from Cyberark vendor where the IP needs to be configured at the NIC level inside the VM as a static entry. we are skeptical due to our previous experience.
what is the recommendation for Azure hosted VM's
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Ratish Kumar - External 21 Reputation points
2020-11-20T08:44:15.303+00:00 @ChristopherW-MSFT Thank you. That was very helpful.