Visual Studio 2022 image not found for Azure VM set

Adán Nuñez 0 Reputation points

I'm new to deploying VM scale set in Azure, so be nice 😅 I'm trying to create a virtual machine using a scale set for Azure Dev Ops, running Visual Studio and I get the following message.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this problem?

I tried from Market Place and from Azure PowerShell, using different Visual Studio images, but I haven't had any luck.

I have a subscription with Azure

The command used

az vmss create --name VmsAgentsPool --resource-group VMss --image MicrosoftVisualStudio:visualstudio2022:vs-2022-comm-latest-win11-n:2022.08.15 --vm-sku vs-2022-comm-latest-win11-n --storage-sku StandardSSD_LRS --authentication-type SSH --generate-ssh-keys --instance-count 2 --disable-overprovision --upgrade-policy-mode manual --single-placement-group false --platform-fault-domain-count 1 --load-balancer "" --orchestration-mode Uniform

So I got this error

{"error":{"code":"InvalidTemplateDeployment","message":"The template deployment 'vmss_deploy_Sxb7RsiFZ95AwyFUxL0QDrelPBirkb0T' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '1293f063-d9d6-4e71-9e02-71b59ded5e5d'. See inner errors for details.","details":[{"code":"InvalidParameter","target":"imageReference","message":"The following list of images referenced from the deployment template are not found: Publisher: MicrosoftVisualStudio, Offer: visualstudio2022, Sku: vs-2022-comm-latest-win11-n, Version: 2022.08.15. Please refer to for instructions on finding available images."}]}}

So I tried via UI usign next config:



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